Well, information came Thursday in the form of a meaty binder full of pamphlets, business cards, hospital maps, and notes about my specific procedure.

During our initial conversation, the coordinator had mentioned she'd be sending me a "brochure" or something... but I wasn't expecting anything so substantial. I guess under normal circumstances, I would have received this packet before the testing started. But everything has happened so swiftly that my test results beat the packet here.
While I wait for the next step in the testing process, I am proceeding with my life as normal. Tonight, I try out for a St. Louis women's ice hockey team. Although I've been happily playing ice hockey for several years now, I am hesitant to try out for this new team because of the uncertainty surrounding my availability over the next few months. I would hate to have to join the team, then abandon them after surgery.
While I obviously wouldn't be in any condition to play ice hockey in the weeks immediately following a donation, I am unsure about my hockey prospects long after I've recovered. I've read conflicting reports on my ability to play ice hockey after donating a kidney. Many, including one publication that I was provided by SLU, feel that:
It may also be suggested that the donor avoid participating in such activities as football and ice hockey, sports which might injure the one remaining kidney.
I have read others that claim you can do pretty much anything you could do before donating, including play hockey.
Women's Ice Hockey can be rough at times, but it is not a checking sport and the participants are generally well-padded. Injuries can occur in women's ice hockey, just like any other incidental contact sport, but I don't think I'd really rank it up there with tackle football, or a men's checking ice hockey league.
This will definitely be a question I ask when visiting with the SLU staff later. If anyone out there has an opinion or better information about this, please feel free to leave a comment.