There's still a chance I could get a hold of the coordinator at some point today, so keep an eye out for an afternoon update.
In the meantime, here's a picture of me and my dad from a few years back when we went to see the Cardinals in the World Series (and ended up seeing the Red Sox win the World Series... bleh).

Evening Update:
I had my phone near me at all times today, as I waited for the coordinator to call back. Around 2pm, I left another message for her, just in case she hadn't gotten the one I'd left yesterday. Around 5:30pm, I still hadn't heard the phone ring... and I gathered my things and headed out to dinner. As I picked my phone up, I noticed that I had a message and a missed call. *CRAP!* The coordinator called and I didn't hear the phone ring somehow. She left a message suggesting that if I called back and got her voicemail, that I should just leave a message with the times and dates I was available for my next appointment.
So I called back and did just that. I don't know why we didn't just do this a week ago when I called and left a message with the times and dates I was available for my next appointment... but whatever. I guess neither of us expected it to be so hard to get in touch.