Monday, August 07, 2006

Part Five: Phone Tag

With the coordinator back from her four-day weekend, today was my first opportunity to call and make arrangements for the next round of testing. As mentioned previously, I can't take my phone into work with me. I also can't make long distance calls from work, unless it's at a pay phone with a calling card. That would be fine... except that I work as a Caricature Artist at a theme park. Using the pay phone there is fine for an emergency, or if you need to remind someone to pick up milk. But I don't really want to have roller coasters and screaming kids as background noise when I'm trying to schedule a doctors appointment.

I left a message for the coordinator this evening... and am hoping I'll be able to duck out of work during lunch tomorrow so that I can speak to her in person and make arrangements for my next appointment.

Hockey Update:

After much deliberation, I decided not to try out for the women's hockey team. While I know there's always the chance that I will not be able to give my dad a kidney... I also hate the idea of committing to a team and then having to back out. The other deciding factor was the cost. $500 to play ice hockey is quite a lot when you are facing time off work for a potential kidney donation.