Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Part Nine: 24-Hour Urine Collection

Warning: If you don't want to read about my normal bodily functions, you should probably skip this one.

Well... surprise, surprise. Urine Collection isn't as much fun as we all imagined it would be.

I've been pee-anxious all day.

Last night I taped a note to my toilet seat lid, just in case I somehow forgot about the collection going on today.

This morning I woke up at the ungodly hour of 7am and hurried into the bathroom to officially begin my collection. As you can see in the above photo, I made sure to mark the time, according to my cell phone clock (which I imagine to be the most reliable of all the clocks I have).

I never made it over to the outpatient office to pick up an "official" urine jug and "hat"... and had to settle for a water container and a plastic cup instead.

At some point during the morning, I realized that I had to go #2... and then I panicked because when I go #2... I also generally go #1 simultaneously. So I had to be very careful to go #1 FIRST... into my little cup. And THEN go #2... NOT into my little cup.

This is hard work, folks.

Around noon, I was peering into the jug that housed my growing collection of urine and to my horror noticed that there were two CAT HAIRS in the pee!!! I am pretty sure that I am not urinating cat hair, so it must have somehow floated through the air into the cup I'd been using to catch my pee. I couldn't stand the thought of some lab tech finding cat hairs in my pee so I carefully fished them out. Ewwww... (Sorry, no picture.)

A need for groceries forced me out of the house around 3pm and on the way home I was lured in by the McDonald's drive-thru. Somehow... I ended up with this:

Okay... so drinking a SUPER SIZE Dr. Pepper on the day that I am doing my urine collection probably isn't the best idea. I'm hoping to limit my urine collection to just one container, as I can't stand the thought of lugging multiple containers of pee into the doctors office tomorrow morning. Also, my pee is already so super-concentrated that it almost comes out of me in sugar-cube form (just kidding... don't worry).

The other bad thing about keeping a jug of urine around the house is that it makes me feel like I live in a nursing home or a hospital. That is all.

Unless something drastic happens... like I accidentally spill my urine collection all over the place or something... I probably won't post again until tomorrow which is the big test day. HOORAY FOR EKG'S and CHEST X-RAYS and OTHER STUFF!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey panda. good luck. i hope things are going well today. i will be thinking about you. ~kgs