This picture was taken at least a week or so ago (10 weeks after surgery), but I'd say it probably still looks about like that. It's still pretty much completely healed except for that one spot. It is still a little leaky and it will temporarily scab over from the ooze but then as soon as I touch it or shower it opens up again.

I promised a long, long time ago that I would post a picture of the kidney pants that my buddy Beth brought me the day of my surgery. I was seen wearing them home from the hospital, but you never got a close up of the fine puff-paint decorations. Way to go Beth!

In other news, I slipped on some ice on my front steps yesterday morning and landed on my thigh. The bruise that developed was awful but I am still grateful that I bruised my thigh and not my one remaining kidney. Take a look!

After the new year, my Dad joined a gym and claims to have been working out every day! He still gets fatigued very easily and took a recent trip to the cardiologist to determine if this is a heart related problem. Hopefully within the next week or so he'll have some answers. Otherwise, I think he's looking pretty darn good. Keep up the good work Dad!
Hey Porkchop,
Nice to see an update. Does that incision need a stitch or butterfly bandaid? It needs to have skin to skin to adhere and heal (IMHO) but maybe it just takes time.
Sorry about the fall - be careful!
Hope dad stays well and gets some answers!
Jenna's transplant is Tues. morn. Feels surreal.
Wooooooo...... looks like that little hole in your incision could just start talking at ya!! creapy...(no, I am not any pain meds yet) :) I think you should have that looked at really.
I am glad to hear that your dad is doing so well. That is so encouraging.
Take it easy with the bruise. Ice it and keep your leg elevated when possible.
Nice to see you post again. I am always checking it.
Hey Amanda...... did your dad ever go through any rejection scares?? Just curious..
Hope all is still well with you.....let us know.
Best Regards,
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