Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Part Three: Results

I'm not allowed to take my cell phone into work, and was surprised with a voicemail from the SLU Kidney Transplant Coordinator when I returned to my car in the evening.

It all seems so simple when you hear it in a voicemail like that. The crossmatch is negative (which is positive) so we can move on with more testing.

That's it?

I don't know what I was expecting. Bells and Whistles and Trumpets and a Parade complete with Marching Band. Or perhaps a sit-down discussion with a stern-looking doctor or a coordinator in an office somewhere... carefully reviewing and explaining my blood test results and what lies ahead.

Instead, I feel fortunate that I've taken it upon myself to get educated about all that is involved with the donation process. Perhaps I should be grateful that they are moving things along so swiftly (without the need for any sort of explanation)... but I can't help but feeling rather uninformed right now.

There was no verification of the results of my home-blood-typing-test (0+), no mention of the tissue-matching test or if they even did it (not that it matters as much... but still), not even a real explanation of what the "crossmatching" involved, or it's significance. Nope, just that they'd already done the crossmatch and it was negative (which is positive)... so lets all move on with our lives.

Presumably, the stern-looking doctor and the warning that I could potentially die comes later.

Until then, I'm kind of feeling less like a person and more like a possibility.

The coordinator is out of town until Monday, and I'm to call her and make arrangements for further testing upon her return. Next up, a 24-hour urine collection, an EKG, and some other stuff that they told me too fast over the phone and that I can't really remember.


Anonymous said...

Wow! That's really good that things are working out so far. You are an amazing person. I hope things can move reasonably fast and work out the best for everyone. Love you. I will pray about it.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for being negative (which is positive)!

I'm so glad that you're blogging the whole kidney story. I was worried that since we don't live near you anymore we wouldn't get regular updates.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting your blog on LDO--I found it today. As I read your story today, I realized how similar it is to my own. I am a 25 year old woman also donating a kidney to my father. He had similar reactions as your Dad but finally agreed to let me get tested. I was a match and am on my way to donation... I'll be sure to check bag and see your progress!