I got to sit in what looked like a pistachio green adult high-chair.
They took three fat tubes of blood.
I'm always amazed at how much blood comes out, and how quickly.

The actual blood-drawng process only took a few minutes, but I was there for nearly an hour waiting to register, then answer a million questions about my occupation and my dad's occupation and my next of kin and my religious preference, etc. etc.
I did have plenty of time to get emotional though... and started to tear up a bit when I was watching the blood come out of me.
The nurse wasn't very talkative and I was surprised when she wished me luck on the way out the door.
"Good Luck..."
I was surprised at my reaction to that. "Good Luck..." implies that I'm hoping something good comes out of this whole thing. Getting wished good luck made me feel like I had just bought a lottery ticket.
"Good Luck..." made me realize how scared I am.

1 comment:
Even though I know you've been thinking these things, it makes me scared and sad to see it in print.
I'll go with you to whatever is next your test, if you want.
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