Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Part Twenty Three: Dial?!?

This morning I got a call from the Transplant Coordinator. As usual, she seemed in a rush and spoke to me much like she would if she was leaving me voicemail. Apparently, she was just calling to let me know that my second 24-Hour collection was fine.

That's good to know. Now the only thing standing between me and surgery is my girl exam and pap smear next Monday. This would be the perfect point for me to find out I have a lump in my breast or cervical cancer or something.

Assuming, my girl parts are all clear... we'll be ready to go with the surgery on the 25th of October. I got a letter from the Abdominal Organ Transplant office yesterday with the details:

Dear Amanda:

This letter will outline the events leading up to your kidney donation on 10/25/06 at 9:15 AM. You will be admitted the day of surgery; report to the Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU), on the third floor of the hospital at 6:00 AM.

- Arrive at Tenetcare on 10/19/06 at Noon for preadmission testing; labs including a final crossmatch, Chest X-Ray, and EKG.

- Transplant Clinic Visit at the Doctors Office Building (DOB) is scheduled for 10/19/06 at 2:00 PM. Register by the Pharmacy on the first floor of the DOB, the go to Room 108 to be seen by the transplant surgery team.

- The day before surgery, 10/24/06, you will require a bowel preparation. Ask for a prescription for Go Litely while you are at the clinic.

- After Midnight prior to your surgery have nothing to eat or drink.

- Before arriving at the hospital the morning of surgery, shampoo your hair and shower using antibacterial liquid soap such as Dial. Be sure to scrub your abdomen, chest and back well. After showering, do not use any deodorants, lotions, perfumes, or powders.

- On 10/25/06 bring the following items with you: insurance card and medications. Do NOT bring valuables such as money, credit cards, jewelry, etc.

If you have any questions, please call the office....

Up until this point, this surgery has been so unreal to me. But when someone starts telling you to shampoo and shower with Dial antibacterial liquid soap... you know you're in trouble.


Unknown said...

Wow. Wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Go Litely

this just made me giggle.

more than a little giggle--it was a near snort.

In my dreams, I'm part of the marketing/design team that gets to decide if the product should be called 'go litely' or 'food be gone' or something else. "Bob, can you set up the materials for the 'go litely' focus group later today?"

Porkchop said...

Yeah, I've read more than a few reviews of "Go Litely" that say it would be more accurately labeled "Go-Crap-Your-Brains-Out!"

I am not excited about this. But don't worry... you'll get to hear all about it. Maybe I'll even make a chart of how often I have to go and with what intensity. =)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just caught up on what has been happening (read parts 17-23 tonight). That is WONDERFUL that everything is on go!! (I am the one who received a kidney transplant in December last year.) I just can't begin to tell you what a difference this is going to make for your dad. He is lucky to have a daughter like you! I will be praying that everything goes smoothly for you both!


Anonymous said...

Be careful around private parts w/antibacterial stuff-- it will kill the good stuff too and you'll get a yeast infection.

Also, ask the doctors about not eating a lot of protein prior to donation and after. Dr. Weil said the biproducts of animal protein metabolism can be a burden on the kidneys.
