The Cardinals World Series victory parade was this afternoon and I was determined that a trip downtown would be my first real outing since the surgery. I got all decked out in my cardinal red and replaced my stuffed green hippo with a stuffed Fredbird doll to hold against my belly.
At first I thought I might be able to go without something pressed up against me. I tried to abandon Fredbird on a couple of occasions. But I didn't make it very far from the vehicle before C had to run back and grab the little guy for me.
We rode downtown and parked in the Union Station parking lot which marked the beginning of the parade route. Lots ands lots of people parked a lot farther away and there were hordes of people walking in from all directions. I decided there was no way that my body could handle such a walk and I decided that we would pay whatever they wanted at Union Station. (Fortunately, it turned out to be only $5 as we left.) I was glad that we parked relatively close... as we were able to go in Union Station and get some food and then walk back out to the parking lot quickly to catch the parade. We never even bothered to leave the U.S. parking lot... and scored a decent viewing spot in their courtyard, just off of 18th street. There were only about three people, a sidewalk, and large bushes between me and the parade route... which was nothing in comparison to the 15-20 person deep masses that lined Market Street the rest of the route. I was grateful to be in an obscured area where I didn't have people bumping into me and my now incredibly throbbing achy belly and shoulders.
I was trying to clap and yell but it was hard. The area on my left wrist where they had placed the IV is now bruised and started to hurt quite a bit after a few minutes of clapping. I found that if I stand too long or walk around too much, my shoulders start to ache from the awkward way that I've been standing. C helped by rubbing my shoulders as the parade went by and by hurrying ahead to get the car after the parade was finished.
At one point, my eyes were burning and there were tears running out of them because I was so tired and sore. I'm sure the people next to me thought I was just really really moved by the Cardinals first World Series win in 24 years. Either way, I'm glad that I went. There's no way I could have been down here so close to the action and in reasonable health and not made it to celebrate. Plus, I wouldn't have gotten to see the Clydesdales in person! Can you blame me?

P.S. Medicine Update
I haven't taken any Vicodin today and don't plan to do so unless I have trouble going to sleep. I also did not take a Pepcid today. I did take one of the Dulcolax lablets because I was so freaked out by my dormant bowels. But, FYI, I've now pooped nearly a half dozen times since this morning. Sure, it may have been from all of the excitement and stress on my body... but I'm gonna shy away from the laxatives for the time being. Long story short... four days after major surgery and I'm nearly drug free. HOORAY!
1 comment:
Amanda...I am so impressed at your quick recovery and find it very encouraging. On Nov. 8th I'll be giving the same gift to my dad, so all of this info is so helpful. Thank you and keep it up!
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