Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Part Twenty Seven: Knockout

Sorry for the lack of updates... but really all I've been doing is a whole lot of waiting and worrying.

Still no word from the gynecologist... which is good. No news is good news. I just hope that she remembers to fax my results over to the transplant coordinator.

I got a call today from the Anesthesiologist at SLU. They asked me a bunch of questions about my health... and I always feel like a broken record.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no..."

And then when I finally get a questions that I can say YES to... I get SO excited. As in:

"Do you have any caps, crowns, or dentures?"

YES YES YES YES! Oh thank God! YES! I have crowns! This is fantastic!

After the Yes/No session I was given further instructions for the day of the surgery.

The main things I need to know:

1) No food or drink after midnight.

2) No nail polish or contact lenses (not applicable but still interesting)

3) Wear lose fitting clothes.

4) Do not bring any valuables. Just an ID, insurance card, and medical directive

5) I can bring one person with me and that person can stay with me until I go in for surgery.

I was shaking when I got off the phone with the nurse. A letter with instructions is one thing... being given instructions over the phone is another. When I finally meet with the surgeons tomorrow and am given instructions in person, I might puke.

I guess it's normal to be worried. For the first time since this process started, I had a dream about the surgery. I woke up crying.

Tomorrow morning I go in for the final tests and meetings before the big day. My sense of excitement is shifting to a sense of just wanting to get all of this over with.

As is often the case when I get stressed out, my face is breaking out. When I get nervous I start to pick at my face. I need a pair of mittens to keep my hands off my face.

Luckily I have the excitement/distraction of baseball. The Cardinals can clinch a trip to the World Series tonight. If they make it to the WS, the St. Louis home games would fall during my stay at the hospital. Whoever would've thought I'd have a legitimate excuse to lay around and watch baseball in bed? GO CARDS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you.
not stinking of you
but pink things are nice
like a rink of ice

Kidneys are awesome. I'm proud of you. I've got it on my calendar for next week so I'll remember to think of you all day long!
