Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Part Forty Four: "Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to work I go!"

Did I mention how that one of my smaller incisions fell directly in one of my fat-roll creases? It is kind of annoying because if I sit forward, or even straight for too long, the incision gets squashed in the crack and gets moist.

Did you ever have some sort of a scab when you were a kid... and then take a bath? You know how scabs get all kind of yellowy-white and oozy looking when they're too wet? That's kind of how that incision is because of its unfortunate location. I don't think it's ever going to heal up.

I know that you must be thinking to yourself, "But surely Amanda must be joking. How could she possibly have a fat roll?" For your reference, here is a picture of my slowly healing incisions.

And here is a picture of the aforementioned fat roll. Notice the incision on the far right. Where'd the other one go?!? Oh wait... it's under my fat roll.


Because of my exhausting weekend and the above information, I'm trying to sit in a reclined position as much as possible. I don't like sitting in a chair all day long... especially when it is 70 degrees out in November! It looks so pretty outside but I can't even summon the willpower to pull on a pair of pants and step outside. (Look how pretty it is!!!)

Oh yeah. That's my other news for the day. I decided not to wear pants today because they hurt me. So I'm shuffling around in a t-shirt and my slippers and a pair of boxer-briefs. Woo-Hoo! This is the life.

In addition to walking around in my underwear, I've also:

1) Made significant advancements on my Disney trip itinerary.
2) Ate lunch
3) Logged more time on my now-overdue video games.
4) Baked Apple Spice Bars using apples mom gave me.
5) Called work about paycheck and getting back on the schedule.

Yes, that's right folks! Your little Porkchop is going back to work next week. I called my boss and let him know that I was ready to get on the schedule on a limited basis. He's gonna start me for 5 hours on Monday afternoon and then another 5 hours on Thursday afternoon. Then we're gonna go from there.

The nice thing about it was that he told me if I didn't feel like I could stay all afternoon on Monday, that was fine. If I decided after Monday that it was too much, too soon... I don't have to come back for a while. It's good to have a nice boss who offers such flexibility. I'm sure that things will be fine though.

If I have enough energy to parade around in my underpants, surely I'll have enough energy to make it through an afternoon of sitting on a stool at my mostly-boring job. I guess we'll see.


Anonymous said...

You're silly.

I'm sure everyone loves seeing your stylish underpants.


P.S. Don't worry. It's slated to be 70+ tomorrow, so you can venture outside then.

P.P.S. When I don't have much to do, I like to listen to This American Life online. It really helps pass the time. Also, maybe you could work on your knitting project.

ken said...

Oh yes, This American Life is very good for passing time. I listened to several on my trip to Vancouver.
Perhaps you could paint some mugs?
But I am really commenting because I am hoping you will share your apple spice bar recipe. I tried one I found online a few weeks ago and did not like it at all. It was not very bar-like. Thanks!

Unknown said...

You've got that "Risky Business" look down pat!

Anonymous said...

Ha! --nice undies toots!

Sunsinger3 said...

As a fat girl I have incountered fat role problems many times before. Try a breathable band aid, they work wonders.

Oh yeah, you in your undies, on the interent....I know a way you can make some money!

Anonymous said...

Blue and orange underoos rock my socks off. Hang in there.
